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Kite IT Ltd
Chris Sheerin
112 Cornwall Street South Claremont Centre
Glasgow, Scotland, G41 1AA
On The Spot Internet
Stefan Cent
121 West Regent Street Ailsa Court
Glasgow, Scotland, G2 2SD
On The Spot Internet
Stefan Cent
Ailsa Court 121 West Regent Street
Glasgow, Scotland, G2 2SD
The Slingshot Rally is the new kite from slingshot which will sit in their range and aim to satisfy the Delta style fans, as yet the Delta is un-chartered waters for Slingshot. An all-terrain freeride tool that will quench the thirst of riders focussing their attention on the waves or kite in variable weather conditions. Thanks to hanglos for pics. The Rally comes on sale in the U.
7, 85540 Haar,. Gebrauchtes , Test- und Demomaterial. Lerne Kiten an Land Wasser und Schnee. Hier geht s zu deinem Kurs. Kite Board Trapez und Leinenservice. Reparatur Trimm für Tubekite und Softkite. Flysurfer SOUL ab Lager lieferbar. Wir können die grössen 10 12 15 18 und 21 schon liefern. Ab Lager Mystic 2018 Trapeze Rashguards und mehr ab Lager! Das neue 2018er FK Snowkiteboard ist da! Spotguid.
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